Compendio al collezionismo dei fumetti supereroistici in Italia, rarità e segreti del'editoria di settore.
lunedì 30 aprile 2012
Inediti Marvel in Italia
Quella che segue è una lista di albi Marvel inediti in Italia.
Parto da quelli lasciati tali dalla Corno, prendendo perciò in considerazione albi e serie pubblicati fino al 1983-1984.
Per serie molto lunghe (ad esempio, Savage Sword of Conan) ho lasciato albi rimasti inediti anche in anni successivi (e questo semplicemente per comodità).
Storie pubblicate dalla Star o dalla Panini, anche se saltate a suo tempo dalla Corno, non sono indicate come inedite.
Gli albi indicati con (*) sono inediti parzialmente.
(Adventure Into) Fear: 11, 13-19
Alpha Flight: 54-61, 63-86, 92-94, 96-103, 105, 108-130
Amazing Spider-Man Annual: 22(*), 23(*), 37(*)
Astonishing Tales Vol.1: 34-36
Avengers: 203-208, 218, 223, 319(*)-324(*), 325, 340, 350(*), 352-354, 366(*), 370-371, 376-379, 380(*)-382(*), 383, 397
Avengers Annual: 6(*), 11-13, 16, 17(*)-20(*), 21, 22, 23(*)
Bizarre Adventures: 25(*), 27(*), 28(*), 29, 30(*)-32(*), 33, 34
Captain America: 245, 246, 257, 258-260, 271, 273, 274, 291, 355-357, 372(*)-383(*), 394(*)-397(*), 421-422
Captain America Annual: 6, 7, 10(*), 11(*), 12, 13(*)
Captain Marvel Vol.1: 58-62
Captain Savage and his Leatherneck Raiders: 1-19
Combat Kelly and the Deadly Dozen: 1-9
Conan the Barbarian: 87(*), 169-171, 204-231, 261-265
Conan the Barbarian Annual: 6, 8-10
Conan the King: 22(*)-26(*), 27-55
Crystar, Crystal Warrior: 1-11
Daredevil: 201-207, 209-214, 216-218, 222, 224, 235, 246, 264, 328, 333-337, 371-375
Daredevil Annual: 5(*), 7(*), 8, 10
Dazzler: 5-42
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu: 10(*), 16(*), 19(*)-26(*), 27-33
Defenders: 53(*), 54(*), 69-75, 78-91, 126-152
Defenders Annual: 1
Devil Dinosaur: 1-9
Doc Savage Magazine: 1-8
Doctor Strange Vol.2: 16, 80, 81
Dracula Lives: 5(*), 6(*), 7-9, 10,(*), 11-13
Falcon: 1-4
Fantastic Four Annual: 15(*), 21(*), 22(*), 24, 25(*), 26(*), 27
Fantastic Four Roast: 1
Fantastic Four Special Edition: 1
Generic Comic Book: 1
Ghost Rider Vol.1: 59-81
Giant-Size Chillers Vol.2: 1, 2, 3(*)
Giant-Size Creatures: 1
Giant-Size Man-Thing: 1-3, 4(*), 5(*)
Giant-Size Werewolf by Night: 2-5
Godzilla King of Monsters: 1-24
Haunt of Horror: 1, 3(*), 4(*), 5
Hawkeye Vol.1: 1-4
Howard The Duck: 4-33
Howard The Duck Annual: 1
Howard The Duck Magazine: 1, 3-9
Hulk Annual: 6, 8-14, 16(*), 17(*), 20(*)
Human Fly: 1-19
Incredible Hulk Vol.2: 249, 251-253, 262, 267-313, 393(*), 407(*), 408(*), 435, 472-474
Invaders: 29-41
Iron Man & Sub-Mariner: 1(*)
Iron Man: 136, 154-214, 251, 252, 255, 257, 305(*), 315-318
Iron Man Annual: 4(*), 5-8, 10(*)-15(*)
John Carter Warlord of Mars: 1-28
John Carter Warlord of Mars Annual: 1-3
Journey Into Mystery Vol.2: 4(*), 5
Ka-Zar (1970): 1-3
Ka-Zar Lord of the Jungle: 20
Ka-Zar the Savage: 1-34
Kull and the Barbarians: 2, 3
Kull the Conqueror Vol.1: 16-29
Kull the Conqueror Vol.3: 4-10
Legion of Monsters: 1
Machine Man Vol.1: 9-19
Man-Thing Vol.1: 1-22
Man-Thing Vol.2: 1-11
Marvel Chillers 4-7
Marvel Fanfare: 1(*)-5(*), 7(*)-9(*), 12(*)-14(*), 16(*), 17, 22, 23, 24(*), 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32(*), 34-36, 37(*), 38(*), 39, 43(*), 44, 45 (raccolta di pin-up), 48-50, 51(*), 52(*), 53-56, 57(*), 58(*), 59
Marvel Graphic Novel: 11, 14, 20, 30, 32, 36, 37
Marvel Premiere: 31, 37, 42, 49-61
Marvel Preview: 1(*), 3, 4(*), 5-7, 8(*), 9, 10(*), 11-15, 16(*), 17, 18, 19(*), 20(*), 21-24
Marvel Spotlight Vol.1: 33
Marvel Spotlight Vol.2: 1-7, 9-11
Marvel Super Action Vol.1: 1(*)
Marvel Super Heroes Vol.1: 16, 17, 23
Marvel Super Special: 1, 2, 4-8, 10-14, 16, 17, 20, 22-29, 31-34, 36, 37, 39-41
Marvel Tales Vol.2: 30
Marvel Team-Up: 104, 105, 112, 140-149
Marvel Team-Up Annual: 3, 7(*)
Marvel Treasury Edition: 12, 13, 24, 25
Marvel Two-in-One: 59, 67-100
Marvel Two-in-One Annual: 5-7
Master of Kung Fu: 70-125
Micronauts: 1-59
Micronauts Annual: 1-2
Monster of Frankenstein: 9-18
Monsters Unleashed: 1(*)-10(*), 11
Moon Knight: 11-24, 26, 27, 31-38
Not Brand Echh: 1(*), 2(*), 5(*), 8, 9(*), 12(*), 13(*)
Obnoxio the Clown Vs. The X-Men: 1
Power Man: 50-65, 67
Power Man & Iron Fist: 68-72, 74-120, 122-125
Power Man Annual: 1
Questprobe: 1-3
Rampaging Hulk/The Hulk: 1-9, 19(*), 22-27
Red Sonja Vol.1: 7-15
Red Sonja Vol.2: 1-2
Red Sonja Vol.3: 1-13
Red Wolf: 8-9
Rom Spaceknight: 29-75
Rom Spaceknight Annual: 1-4
Savage She-Hulk: 2-25
Savage Sword of Conan: 1(*)-4(*), 9(*), 13(*), 14(*), 18(*)-20(*), 22(*), 23(*), 25(*), 26(*), 29(*), 33(*)-35(*), 37(*), 39(*), 45(*), 49(*), 53(*)-55(*), 59(*), 60(*), 62(*)-67(*), 73(*), 74(*), 76(*)-83(*), 100(*), 105(*)-107(*), 110(*), 112, 113(*), 114, 115(*), 116, 117(*), 118, 119(*), 120, 121(*)-123(*), 124, 125(*), 126(*), 127, 128(*), 129(*), 130, 131(*)-140(*), 145(*), 147(*)-154(*), 156-159, 161, 163, 164(*), 165(*), 167-175, 177(*), 178(*), 179-189, 191(*)-199(*), 203(*), 204(*), 207(*)-210(*), 214, 215(*), 227(*)-233(*)
Savage Tales Vol.1: 1(*), 2(*), 6(*)-9(*), 11(*)
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos: 15-79, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96-98, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 110, 112, 114-120
Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos Annual: 1-4
Shogun Warriors: 1-20
Son of Satan: 8
Spectacular Spider-Man: 101
Spectacular Spider-Man Annual: 8(*)-10(*)
Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends: 1
Spider-Woman Vol.1: 17-50
Super Villain Team-Up: 17
Tales of Suspense: 58(*)
Tales of the Zombie: 3(*), 4(*), 7(*)-10(*)
Tales to Astonish Vol.2: 12(*), 13(*)
Tarzan Lord of the Jungle: 9
Team America: 1-12
The Incredible Hulk vs. Quasimodo: 1
The Thing: 1-6, 7(*), 8, 9, 11-22, 24-29, 31-36
Thor: 318-336, 472-490
Thor Annual: 9, 11, 12, 14(*)-16(*), 17, 19(*)
Tomb of Dracula Magazine: 2, 5, 6(*)
Tower of Shadows: 7
U.S.1: 1-12
Uncanny X-Men Annual: 12(*), 13(*)
Vampire Tales: 2(*)-6(*), 7, 8(*), 9(*), 10, 11
War is Hell: 9-15
What If...? Vol.1: 2, 10, 12, 14-20, 22, 23(*), 24(*), 25-27, 28(*), 29(*), 30-34, 35(*), 36(*), 37, 38, 40, 41, 43(*), 44, 45, 47
Werewolf by Night: 8-14, 16-43
Giant-Size Kid Colt: 1-3
Ghost Rider (1967): 1-7
Gunhawks: 1-7
Kid Colt: 101-129, 131-140 [ho considerato come primo inedito quello uscito nel novembre 1961; dal n.141 in poi sono tutti ristampe]
Outlaw Kid Vol.2: 10-16
Rawhide Kid: 17-83, 85, 87-103, 105, 106, 108-110, 112-115 [ho considerato come primo inedito il primo della run di Kirby; dal n.116 in poi sono tutti ristampe]
Two-Gun Kid: 58, 59, 60(*), 61-66, 67(*), 68, 69(*), 70-72, 73(*), 74-92 [ho considerato come primo inedito il primo della run di Kirby; dal n.93 in poi sono tutti ristampe]
Western Gunfighters Vol.2: 1-7
Western Team-Up: 1
by Dormammu
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